



Agile, resilient organizations have a practical framework that organizes individuals and groups to leverage diverse capabilities and perspectives inside the organization and in their external partnerships.

Unity is a ‘force multiplier.’ These tailored workshops are investments in your future success. Each one addresses a unique developmental reality in the organization life cycle and will give your organization, board, or team a common framework and toolbox to build a high level of respect, cooperation, and creative engagement.

  • ‘Tune Up’ – When even good performance is not sufficient, and you want what works pretty well to become truly excellent, it is time for improved perspective. This workshop provides a fresh look at where you are, where you want to go, and how you can get there together.
  • ‘Flying Start’ – Newly formed groups, recently elected governing boards, groups and teams with significant turnover, all need to develop a common understanding of how to work well together for maximum results.
  • ‘Jump Start’ – When things are a little stuck or the ‘blahs’ have set in with predictable, mediocre results, you need a ‘charge’ to get back on the road together with renewed commitment and a plan to build momentum.
  • ‘Overhaul’ – When basic systems are not functioning and working relationships are broken or toxic, serious remedial work is necessary to reform and renew positive bonds that can support meaningful collaboration.

There are four cornerstone practices that develop the organization’s ability to work together and be resilient.


Collaboration (download .pdf)

Jillian Gonzales Training and Development Manager, The Solutions Group

Mark Bennett is someone that I hold in the highest regard for his knowledge, integrity, sense of humor, and far reaching skills. Whether partnering or hiring Mark, I have the utmost confidence that not only will the group I am in grow, but so will I on a profound level.

Leaders and change agents need a shared framework to intentionally develop collaboration and organization resilience.

Graphic model of the elements of a resilient organization culture (download .pdf)